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Knee Pain Specialist

Riverwalk Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy located in Bridgewater, Raritan, NJ

Knee conditions like ligament sprains, arthritis, and meniscal tears can cause severe pain and disability. If you're suffering from knee pain, Peter Woghiren, DPT, and the team at Riverwalk Physical Therapy in Raritan, New Jersey, can help. They offer safe, effective programs of physical therapy using methods like Graston Technique® therapy and strengthening exercises. To find out how these treatments can resolve your knee pain, call Riverwalk Physical Therapy today or book an appointment online.

Knee Pain Q & A

What are the causes of knee pain?

The primary causes of knee pain are injuries to the cartilage, bones, or connective tissues that make up the joint, overuse or repetitive strain, and underlying disease. Conditions that commonly cause knee pain include:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Joint dislocation
  • Fractures
  • Meniscal tears
  • Tendinitis
  • Bursitis
  • Patellofemoral pain syndrome
  • Iliotibial band syndrome

The four ligaments that connect your bones and stabilize the joint are also a frequent cause of knee pain. This is typically from sports injuries such as anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) sprains or ruptures.

Knee pain can also develop or become worse if you have ankle or hip problems due to the extra stress these conditions place on your knees.

How is knee pain treated?

Most programs for knee pain rely on physical therapy as a primary treatment. Pain relief and anti-inflammatory medicines might also help, and severe or persistent knee pain might require steroid injections. Lubricating hyaluronic acid injections could help with conditions like arthritis.

At Riverwalk Physical Therapy, many patients find that expert physical therapy techniques effectively tackle knee pain and its causes without the need for other treatments.

How does physical therapy help with knee pain?

Physical therapy is an important way of helping your body to heal. Carefully chosen activities that increase blood flow to your legs without straining your knees bring vital oxygen, nutrients, and healing cells to the damaged tissues.

In addition, immobility is the enemy of most musculoskeletal disorders. Avoiding movement because of the fear of pain or causing further damage leads to weakened muscles and connective tissues, making recovery far harder.

Your treatment at Riverwalk Physical Therapy keeps you moving without the risk of making your condition worse. The techniques your therapist uses prevent stiffness and weakness and help your knee regain flexibility and strength.

What techniques might be in my knee pain treatment plan?

The physical therapy treatments likely to be most effective vary depending on the cause of your condition, how bad your knee pain is, and factors like your age and other health conditions.

Your provider at Riverwalk Physical Therapy creates a customized treatment plan suited to your needs that could include:

  • Manual manipulation
  • Joint mobilization
  • In-office exercise programs
  • Home exercise programs
  • Therapeutic ultrasound
  • Graston Technique® therapy
  • Kinesiology taping (KT)
  • Electric stimulation

Braces might be necessary for some conditions, which your therapist can fit and show you how to use.

To find the right treatment for your knee pain, call Riverwalk Physical Therapy today or book an appointment online.